上一篇:这些年的随性小诗合集(2019-11-15 08:03:23)

20070730-little little world

2019-11-06 23:41:30

这一首当时自己稍加改编的歌词(原歌曲《Big Big word》,大大世界),又勾起了我的高中回忆,一个黑色的电脑包,亦是我的单肩包,里面有一部步步高复读机,还是大哥送给我的,另外还有一小包放在最外隔层的餐巾纸。

炎热的夏天, 晚上睡觉的我们大多都敞着宿舍门。有一天吃早餐后,回宿舍我才发现,挂在床角的包不见了。




I am a little little kid

In a big big world

It's not a big big thing

If you keep me company

But I do do feel

That I do do will

Let myself down

I still remember the deep night

It's all so dark and quiet

It's so very cool outside

Like the way I am feeling inside

Outside it's now raining

And sorrow are filling up my heart

Why did it have to happen

Why didn't have to end

I have you in my bag

Anxiety like fire

But when I open my eyes

You are gone

I am a poor poor boy

In a big big world

It's a big big thing

If you steal my money

But I do do feel

That I do do will

Beat you hard

I have kept you informed advanced,

It's very important and vital

It's so very safe around

Like the arms I lie inside

Outside It's now peaceful

And happiness floods into my heart

Why can't it have to happen

Why can't it have no end

I wait for you in my room

Anger like fire

But when I saw the day break

You didn't come.

上一篇:这些年的随性小诗合集(2019-11-15 08:03:23)