上一篇:git笔记(2022-07-04 11:13:03)

英语笔译综合能力教材3级,Working Better at the Bottom

2022-07-08 10:29:33


Brad Hooper quit his previous job at a grocery in Madison because his boss was "a little crazy". The manager threatened to sack him and other cashiers for refusing orders to work longer than their agreed hours. Not long ago, Mr Hooper's decision to walk out might have looked foolhardy because he has no education beyond high school and suffers from recurrent ill-health including insomnia.

Brad Hooper 上次辞职是在麦迪逊的一个杂货店,因为他的老板有点疯狂。当时经理要求他和收银员们拿出比约定的更长的时间去工作,如果他们拒绝的话,就威胁要开除掉他们。不久前,Hooper先生的这个走出困境的决定或许显得有点莽撞,毕竟他只有初中学历,而且反反复复的失眠,使得他的身体状况不尽如意。

1. for+...注意分辨是“因为”还是“如果”。
2. because,这里翻译成“因为”显得生硬,学历低跟他的选择莽撞与否构不成直接因果关系,只是基于学历低这样的事实,才判定他的选择显得莽撞。“毕竟”就有强调事实这么一种感觉,例如:不要责怪他了,毕竟他还只是个小孩子。
3. 没有超过高中的教育->只有初中学历,举一反三,如果想表达只有小学学历,就可以说has no education beyond middle school.

This time he struck lucky, finding much better work. Today he sells tobacco and cigarettes in a chain store for 32 hours a week. That leaves plenty of time for his passion, reading science fiction. His improving fortunes reflect recent gains for many of America's lowest-paid. Handwritten "help wanted" signs adorn windows of many cafes and shops in Madison. A few steps on from the cigarette shop is the city's job centre, where a manager with little else to do points to a screen that tallies 98678 unfilled vacancies across Winsconsin.


上一篇:git笔记(2022-07-04 11:13:03)